Jun 03, 2022 - 08:22 AM
The dynamic weight limit of the vehicle roof is the most important thing to consider as it's typically the weakest link in any roof rack setup. We don't offer the exact figure of our racks because it is typically several times greater than what the vehicle roof can handle and as result, is an irrelevant figure in calculating roof loads. The best course of action is to determine the vehicle's roof load dynamic rating, let's say it's 150lbs for example, (can be found in your owners manual). You add a roof rack that weighs 40lbs, this leaves you with 110lbs of load remaining. add a 100lb rooftop tent and a 10lb awning and you are now at your max dynamic load rating for the roof structure of the vehicle. As a general rule, static load rating is typically 3x the dynamic load rating so in our example your roof would have a Static Load Rating of 450lbs.